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Their Story: This is a GREAT story. Keri had gone to school and got a degree in bookkeeping. While this was happening she was offered to take over the profitable family hair salon business. Needless to say Covid-19 struck and put her out of business overnight!

She was bringing in a nice income of $10,000-$15,000 a month and then basically overnight she went to $0. she needed to support her family and bills and thought what was she going to do for an income? Then she thought back to her past schooling of getting her degree in bookkeeping. She decided to launch her website and use our services from a referral from one of our current members.

Here we are a few months down the road and into it and the calls and business are starting to pour in. 

The things she is most enjoying are 1. That she can do her bookkeeping business from home. 2. She can look after her young child while her husband is away at work (saving on childcare) 3. Her income continues to grow month over month as her business is recurring as her clients use her services on a monthly basis.

We predict that in a few months she will be at the very top of the search rankings (in a city with 1 million population) and will have a continuous flood of new clients looking for her services. 

She will then have to hire staff to help out AND best of all she can then raise her prices as well for she will soon have ALL the work she can handle. 

How is that for a change in careers paths and dealing with lemons and making lemonade out of it.

We are seeing this situation happen more often with Covid-19 affecting many peoples either service based businesses as well as the location based brick and mortar businesses.

Leads / Calls Per Month Before Starting With Us: Only a few family members and friends that she did taxes and little bookkeeping for.

Leads / Calls Per Month After Working With Us: Up to 90+ a month including calls and lots of form submissions.

Increase In Monthly Revenue: $20,000+ & Growing!

Return On Investment (ROI): Incredible

What It Has Meant For Them Personally?: She now gets to spend more time with her children and take them to school and sporting events as she sets her own schedule with her bookkeeping unlike her previous business that she had to spend most days at the salon even weekends.

She also gets to spend more with her husband when he is on his days off of being a full-time out of town construction worker.

Current Goals / Future Plans: She plans to hire a couple of full time staff and continue to expand into surrounding cities.

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